URL : https://forum.artscow.com/ShowPost.aspx?ThreadId=49191
Please review my photobook Post By Holly - 1/8/2010 11:49:11 AM

RE:Please review my photobook Post By rubyL - 1/8/2010 2:25:43 PM

I check your book, and some text are too close to the edge, which may be cut off when printing.

Please reserve some area from the bleed area.

RE:RE:Please review my photobook Post By Holly - 1/19/2010 11:55:34 AM
I fixed some can you check it again, and let me know what page numbers might still be a problem?


>I check your book, and some text are too close to the edge, which may be cut off when printing.
>Please reserve some area from the bleed area.