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book redone Reply

    I have redone my book Madison's Easter Vacation. could you check it to be sure it is alright.
    thank you Jackie
4/22/2010 10:27:30 AM

RE:book redone Reply


    Some details is too close to the bleed area and might get cut off, e.g. page 5,8.
    Some photos on page 16-19 have low DPI (indicate by yellow trianle)and might come out blurry.


    Best regards,

    >I have redone my book Madison's Easter Vacation. could you check it to be sure it is alright.
    >thank you Jackie
4/22/2010 4:18:35 PM

RE:RE:book redone Reply

    >Some details is too close to the bleed area and might get cut off, e.g. page 5,8.
    >Some photos on page 16-19 have low DPI (indicate by yellow trianle)and might come out blurry.
    >Best regards,
    >>I have redone my book Madison's Easter Vacation. could you check it to be sure it is alright.
    >>thank you Jackie
    I have changed most of the photos & adjusted the one ones on pg 5 & 8 is this correct? thank you Jackie
4/23/2010 11:36:14 AM

RE:RE:RE:book redone Reply


    Bleed area not covered on page 8 and 15. Some details on other pages is still too close to the bleed area. Please leave 1/4" away from the bleed area to avoid being cut off. Thank you!

    Best regards,

    >>Some details is too close to the bleed area and might get cut off, e.g. page 5,8.
    >>Some photos on page 16-19 have low DPI (indicate by yellow trianle)and might come out blurry.
    >>Best regards,
    >>>I have redone my book Madison's Easter Vacation. could you check it to be sure it is alright.
    >>>thank you Jackie
    >I have changed most of the photos & adjusted the one ones on pg 5 & 8 is this correct? thank you Jackie
4/23/2010 5:56:04 PM
Page 1 of 1, Total 4 1